Friday, June 15, 2007

Conflict in Gaza

Here in Bethlehem the situation is normal but people are upset, sad and angry about events in Gaza. There seems to be universal denunciation of the fighting and civilian deaths.

On the other side, powerful forces have worked toward and are happy to see the Palestinian division. Consider the following acts of foreign intervention and meddling which have contributed to the current crisis:

* Europe, US and Canada stopped economic aid to the Hamas government after their free and fair election.

* Israel withholds tax and tariff money owed to the Palestinian government and tries to prevent any money from getting into Gaza to allow government to operate.

* Israel has kidnapped numerous members of the legitimately elected government and cabinet.

* Israel controls the Gaza border and makes it difficult or impossible to enter and exit.

* Israel attacks Gaza from the air, killing hundreds of people, knocking out a major electric power plant and other key domestic services.

* The US has selectively funded the Fatah linked military forces

* Israel allowed these same Fatah forces to enter Gaza and attack Hamas soldiers and stations.

* Israel has been actively attacking 'targets' in Gaza creating general terror and mayhem.
See the blog below for a glimpse ..... (See May 24 entry)

In the last 24 hours Hamas has over-run the US financed Fatah forces and now has assumed sole control in Gaza. Having lost the military showdown, President Abbas has responded by dismissing Prime Minister Haniyeh and the government. In effect the President has done a unilateral take-over of the elected parliament and administration.

To nobody's surprise, the Bush Administration has rushed to support Abbas in this take-over. They have even suggested it may be time to end the economic restrictions!

What will the coming days bring?
Increased Israeli attacks on Gaza? Tightened strangulation of Gaza? Both seem likely.

Ali Abunimah has a more positive perspective in his analysis:

I think Ali makes many good points but the situation is bad and full of tragedy. At this point we don't know where things will end up, but it is hard to see this 'defeat' for the Bush doctrine as a victory for the Palestinians. If one of the US/Israeli objectives was to divide the Palestinians they have succeeded (for the time being) in that.

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