Monday, June 4, 2007

First Time in Five Years ....

Last Friday there was a successful protest at a village south of Bethlehem ... Wadi An-Nis. About 100 people - half Palestinians from the village and half International and Israeli activists faced off with the Israeli military while settlers looked on from nearby. It was tense for some moments but finally the soldiers allowed the farmer and friends to tend to some of his grape and olive trees. The first time in five years he has been able to!!

Here is the background: Farmers from Wadi An-Nis who own property to the west can no longer reach their land due to preparations to build the 'Separation Barrier' and because there is a settlement (Efrat) nearby. An Israeli military detachment prevent Palestinians from getting 'too close' to the settlement even if it is to reach their own land and still a half mile from the settlement.

This action is of the type that some Palestinians are now advocating: mass non-violent resistance against the Occupation. Organizers were very pleased with the results. Yet there was a bittersweet element. When I congratulated, the Palestinian farmer his response was .... "Congratulations for being able to go to my own land??!"

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