Israel is waging a slow strangulation of 1.5 million residents of Gaza Strip.
Checkpoints that should be transferring food, supplies and people in and out of Gaza have been closed off for over five weeks. The weeds in the Erez parking lot show Israel's attitude for toward international law which outlaws collective punishment of civilians.
I hope all people who care about peace with Justice in the Middle East will speak or act out against this outrageous collective punishment.
Ha Rick,
You recently got home, i guess in the USA.?
You mde a lot of conclusions, in general i can share them.
One extra: The solution of the Israel-Palestine problem must (also) be constructed in USA and EU. You are an activist.
So I look forward to "Rick in the Palestine-campaign". Smiley.
Greetings from a Dutch activist.
Hi Fennie -
Yes, I live in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'. Smiley. Ironic smiley.
Agree very much that North America and Europe have much responsibility for dire situation and correction in mideast, Palestine and Israel in particular.
Lets work together. For starters, what can we do to pressure EU and North American governments (plus Israel) to end the criminal closure of Gaza???!
- Rick
Ha Rick,
Thanks for your answer. Very nice to see the reaction.
I think what you suggest is exactly what must happen: Put pressure on governments.
Neither in Europe, nor in USA that is a easy job...
I have been reading that also Hillary Clinton is in the anti-Palestine/pro-Israel movement.
So I don'nt see any other option than to do the harsh job: organising people by showing them the awfull reality.
I think, in general, you know best how to do in USA, we try to find our way in EU.
I just wanted to express that "back home" (for you and me) is where the most important work must be done...
I'm happy you agree.
Best wishes,
Rick the anti-Jew racist. Your one-sided lies make you a pawn of Palestinian terrorists.
r u crazy? weeds? is this your support material? is there anywhere in israel without weeds.. your simplification of the facts is demeaning to the whole region including to palestinians..
and i must say i agree with fennie.. if this is the best you can come up with.. then go home buddy.. on you go..
Fennie -
Nice to hear from you. Absolutely agree on necessity of international pressure. We need to change our own government policies. In the US the first order of business is to demand open and objective debate and discussion. For too long open discussion on Israel-Palestine has been prohibited. I have been doing some presentations and slide shows on what I saw .... getting good response from everyday Americans.
To Lirun-
Sorry if you don't like it, but the weeds are visual evidence. Just like the earlier blog photos showing what it looks like to the east of Gaza. For factual documentation I highly recommend "Drinking the Sea at Gaza" by Haaretz journalist Amira Hass. She has lots of facts on Israeli repression, theft, closures and general oppression of Gaza. She also describes the reality of Gaza in contrast with the false impressions and stereotypes held by most Israelis.
- Rick
Fennie -
Nice to hear from you. Absolutely agree on necessity of international pressure. We need to change our own government policies. In the US the first order of business is to demand open and objective debate and discussion. For far too long Israel open discussion on Israel-Palestine has been prohibited. I have been doing some presentations and slide shows on what I saw .... getting good response from everyday Americans.
To Lirun-
Sorry if you don't like it, but the weeds are visual evidence. Just like the earlier blog photos showing what it looks like to the east of Gaza. For factual documentation I highly recommend "Drinking the Sea at Gaza" by Haaretz journalist Amira Hass. She has lots of facts on Israeli repression, theft, closures and general oppression of Gaza. She also describes the reality of Gaza in contrast with the false impressions and stereotypes held by most Israelis.
- Rick
BECKY: Rick ignores that crossings are closed due to PALESTINIAN terrorism. He ignores that Israel provides both water and electricity to Gaza. He ignores that Israel will not allow the Gazans to go without food, fuel or medicine due to humanitarian concerns. See the following articles for proof of what I am saying.
"Israel lets food and medicine enter Gaza to avert Crisis"
"It is still possible to transfer food, medicine and a small amount of raw materials through the Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings." --Amira Hass
found at:
"The Kerem Shalom crossing has been the main transfer point for goods destined for the Gaza Strip since 15 June 2007. On 25-26 June, the crossing was closed due to rocket attacks from Gaza. On July 9, Palestinians fired two mortar shells mortar shells at the Kerem Shalom crossing in the southern Gaza Strip; one of them hit the crossing directly." -- from Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
BECKY: And here the HAMAS leader asks for weapons and NOT food or medicine!!
"We [Hamas] ask all the people in surrounding Arab countries, the Muslim world and everyone who wants to support us to send weapons, money and men," -- Damascus-based Hamas leader, Khaled Mishal May 10, 2006
BECKY: Rick, why don't you tell the WHOLE story? One would think you just want to villify Israel and the Jews while giving a free pass to Palestinian terrorism.
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