"Why do they hate us" is a question that frequently appears in American media. "They" is usually the third world or some variation. "Us" is usually Americans.
In my experience the question is easily answered. First, "they" do not hate us. People in poor countries are usually astute politically. They know first hand that governments are not the same as people. They don't hate Americans as individuals and are generally friendly.
What many people around the world dislike is not "us"; it is our government's policy, interference and domination in their affairs.
These dislikes are based on US actions which have negative consequences for them. Our government supports unpopular dictatorships, supplies guns and armaments which are used to repress local populations, encourages governments to terminate subsidies of basic foods, encourages governments to privatize or terminate social services, promotes a narrow version of "democracy" and then ignores or sabotages the results when they are disliked by US corporate interests.
The confusion of the American people with American foreign policy makes all the difference. Instead of 'why do they hate us?" the question should be 'why do they hate our foreign policy?' The latter quickly leads to "What is our policy?" which in turn leads to "What are the consequences of our policy?" These are questions which need to be asked and considered.
"Why do they hate us?" The assumption is wrong and the question is a diversion from what needs to be considered.
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