Yes, there have been individual acts of Palestinian terrorism as there have been by individuals from pretty near all countries. For example American Timothy McVeigh or Israeli Baruch Goldstein. Yet Americans and Israelis are not tarred with this broadrush terrorist label.
In reality the Palestinian population has been remarkably peaceful and patient in the face of repeated violence and attacks.

Every day this week, like last week and the week before, Israeli soldiers invade West Bank and Gaza cities and towns to kidnap and kill. The daily reporting of invasions and mayhem inflicted by Israeli military on Palestinians is reported at In July there were 33 deaths as a result of these invasions. There is lots of violence. In the vast majority of cases Palestinians are the VICTIMS of it.
Meanwhile, in many villages throughout the Occupied Territories, Palestinians with support from progressive Israelis and Internationals are practicing peaceful non-violent demonstrations against the Wall and Occupation. These are happening each Friday in different villages north and south in the West Bank - for example Artas, Um Salamun, Bilin. Yet the majority of Americans have never heard of these demonstrations.
Palestinians are the ones who should rightfully be asking "Why do they hate us?".
hey rick,
enjoyed your article too! My muslim host family was not very religious in general. I have had lots of conversations, though, with more religious muslims, and I greatly respect their beliefs and traditions. They have a great deal of respect for Jesus, though we have very differing beliefs about who is and what he did.Lends to some great dialogue!
Does nate have a blog? I'll ask him to either send me his article or give me the link.
RICK WRITES: "Yes, there have been individual acts of Palestinian terrorism as there have been by individuals from pretty near all countries. For example American Timothy McVeigh or Israeli Baruch Goldstein. Yet Americans and Israelis are not tarred with this broadrush terrorist label."
BECKY: When the IDF invaded Arafat's Muquata headquarters, they discovered suicide bomb belts, a list of payments to the families of suicide bombers which offered more money to the families of bombers who killed more Jews.
The terrorism is not just a few, isolated extremeist groups. It is terrorism that is aided and abetted by both Hamas and Fatah government officials.
Suicide bombers have schools and streets named after them. Mothers raise their children to become suicide bombers. Unfortunately, the entire culture of Palestinian society is based on Jew-hatred and denial of Israel's right to exist.
For Rick to describe the Palestinian people as "generally peaceful" is to negate what those words mean.
Timothy McVeigh was not turned into a "holy martyr" by the US Government. Baruch Goldstein believed that the Muslims in that mosque were about to launch an attack. No weapons were found in the mosque after his fatal attack, proving it to be a tragic accident.
Note that you can't name any other instances of Israelis or Americans---but I can name literally HUNDREDS of Palestinians who have committed murder, mass murder, summary executions, public executions, honor killings, public lynchings of "collaboraters" with Israel, and kidnapping of both journalists and cross-border attacks against the IDF.
Rick would have us believe that white is black and up is down.
In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israel is relentlessly pursuing peace while the PA and its populace are relentlessly pursing "jihad" against "the Zionist entity" and choosing death and conflict over life and peace.
Becky -
How many Palestinians do you know? My guess is zero.
Your comments are the same old propaganda. My suggestion:
1) Try talking to some real Palestinians, not the cartoon characters which the racist media portrays.
2) Read the Israeli writer Amira Hass who describes the myths, stereotypes and untruths about living in Gaza.
3) Look at my earlier posting about the techniques of propaganda, repeating old anecdotes over and over and over .... even if they never happened.
Becky - Israeli soldiers murdered several children last week, as they did the week before. When was the last Israeli child killed? I know that is not your idea of "pursuing peace".
There ARE some Israelis who are REALLY pursuing peace. They are the brave ones who have gone onto the front lines of non-violent demonstrations AGAINST THE OCCUPATION and AGAINST THE WALL in Bilin and elsewhere in the West Bank.
If you are not able or willing to go to talk with real Palestinians or to see what the situation is really like, at least balance out your reading. Try reading Yuri Avnery and Gush-Shalom for starters.
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