Yes, there have been individual acts of Palestinian terrorism as there have been by individuals from pretty near all countries. For example American Timothy McVeigh or Israeli Baruch Goldstein. Yet Americans and Israelis are not tarred with this broadrush terrorist label.
In reality the Palestinian population has been remarkably peaceful and patient in the face of repeated violence and attacks.

Every day this week, like last week and the week before, Israeli soldiers invade West Bank and Gaza cities and towns to kidnap and kill. The daily reporting of invasions and mayhem inflicted by Israeli military on Palestinians is reported at In July there were 33 deaths as a result of these invasions. There is lots of violence. In the vast majority of cases Palestinians are the VICTIMS of it.
Meanwhile, in many villages throughout the Occupied Territories, Palestinians with support from progressive Israelis and Internationals are practicing peaceful non-violent demonstrations against the Wall and Occupation. These are happening each Friday in different villages north and south in the West Bank - for example Artas, Um Salamun, Bilin. Yet the majority of Americans have never heard of these demonstrations.
Palestinians are the ones who should rightfully be asking "Why do they hate us?".